
Back to School

Today is the first day of class at ITP!

I am taking the basic four foundation classes:

  1. Applications of Interactive Communications (taught by the chair, Red Burns)
  2. Communications Lab
  3. Introduction to Computational Media
  4. Introduction to Physical Computing

I had considered waiving one or more of them, since they cover ground that I’ve known extensively for the past two (or twenty?) years, but decided to go ahead with them since a) it’s been a long time since I was in school, b) I don’t know what I don’t know, and c) this course for me is about joining a community, not building technical skills.

I am very much looking forward to the Physical Computing class: that, for me, is almost all new. It deals with the problems of physically interfacing to and interacting with computers. It brings computational media out of the realm of the virtual and into the physical, which is a key part of a convergence process I outlined 10 years ago at Andersen Consulting (now Accenture).

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