
Welcome to Istanbul

The second in my One Minute Per Day series.

It’s based on footage I shot for another project, all in Istanbul.

I was trying to get a sense of rhythm going, and put together part of score using traffic noises from Istanbul.

There is room for improvement – it’s not quite sync’ed with the beat of the music, and some of the clips are a bit jarring, they don’t have the same motion as the others.

Cast: Gian Pablo Villamil

Tags: art, istanbul and oneminuteperday


A walk through a Tokyo alley

First installment in my one minute video per day project. I’ll be uploading one minute videos every day for the foreseeable future.

This first video is a walk through an alley in Tokyo (Shibuya-ku). The video is heavily cut to keep it interesting, but I’ve maintained continuity by keeping the sound un-cut.

The color treatment is meant to complement the film-noirish setting, and focus attention on some of the striking graphic elements in the scene.

Cast: Gian Pablo Villamil

Tags: oneminuteperday, art and tokyo


Flock of birds

Flock of birds

Made with Processing.
Finally got around to posting video for this piece. Its been simmering on the back burner for a while. I hope to eventually swap in basic 3D models with texture mapping just to make their movement through the 3D space less faked.

Cast: flight404
