
Making iPhone ringtones with free software

One of the many appealing features of Apple’s iPhone is the ability to make custom ringtones. However, as with most things Apple, there is a an official (and limited) way of doing things, and an unofficial (and much more fun) way of doing things. Those who use sites like KubaDownload will know all about the […]

Google reality

Google Earth has just added a hugely detailed database of 3D buildings to a lot of cities, including New York. Careful examination suggests that they’ve used imagery from their Street View project to fill in a lot of the facades. However, at a broad scale, the results are impressive:

New York from Google Earth


There 10 types of people: those who can program and those who can't

Clay has posted on article over at BoingBoing on a test that can predict whether people will be able to learn programming or not. It’s been observed for many years, and I can attest from personal experience, that there are people who can learn computer programming, and people who can’t.

In certain cases, people […]

Beware of "free" software download scams

I am a big fan of a number of Open Source software projects, including Filezilla, Azureus, Audacity, Firefox and others. These projects are essentially staffed by volunteers, collaboratively producing software of general utility and sharing it with everyone, for free. Some reliable software is not free, for instance the POS System, you can check out […]

My take on the Internet, ca. 1994

Here’s something I found recently: from my work notebook in 1994, a page where I was explaining to a consultant colleague what the Internet was:

Lots of interesting things here:

Correctly identified Cisco as a key player Mosaic is the browser (Netscape, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla didn’t exist yet) Comparative diagrams of the Internet/WWW […]

History of the Internet business in New York

Fred Wilson at the Web 2.0 name checks ITP, at 4:27. In fact, not only does he mention ITP, he attributes a lot of the interesting aspects of the ‘net business in NY to ITP.

A video used to be embedded here but the service that it was hosted on has shut down.

When hardware becomes software (Another blast from the past)

Another piece from 1999, this time discussing how electronic devices are increasingly defined by the software they run, not by their hardware capabilities. I wrote this before the iPod was released, and am pleased by how events have proved my thesis – today’s mobile phones and iPods (esp. iPod touch) are very much the kind […]

What tech can learn from fashion (A blast from the past!)

I originally wrote this piece in June of 1999, when I was working in the consulting industry. I thought it would be interesting to re-post it and see what has changed.

The technology industry today is characterized by rapid change in performance, expectations, design & business models. There is increasing pressure to squeeze every bit […]

HD video comes to digital SLRs – filmmaking revolution on the way?

It seems that only last month Nikon announced the D90, a digital single-lens-reflex (DSLR) camera, with the ability to shoot high definition video. DSLR cameras have always been the most popular with consumers and there are many different models from different manufacturers, to learn more about the infamous dslr read more here. So, this new […]

Mobile Musical Interfaces at KDDI Harajuku

I recently visited KDDI’s Designing Studio in Harajuku, where they are showing off the results of a concept design project with Yamaha, exploring the possibilities of integrating true musical performance interfaces with mobile phones. While the concept models are interesting, I was struck by lack of emphasis on communication and collaboration possibilities. Most of the […]